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Zelda Series
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Link's Awakening brought
yet another revolution (notice a pattern here?) to the Zelda world. Finally,
we could take Link on the road. No more boring trips with your family to
God-knows-where, now you could immerse yourself in the land of Zelda while
you drove by all those boring monuments and forest preserves on your family
vacation. This game was definitely great, even for a Game Boy game. The
graphics were outstanding, especially when the color version came out.
I remember how much fun it was playing the game on those boring bus rides
to and from school. Ahh.memories.
This is the manual to Zelda
DX, but the directions are the same for both the color and B&W versions.
This is a complete walkthrough for the Link's Awakening game, including the information
on the color DX version. Written by Artemis251.